
Ínyenckert étterem

Contact - Ínyenckert étterem

City: Budapest 
Distance from Budapest:  0 km
Address:  1037 Vörösvári út 131.
Contact person: Gerencsér Mária 
 Phone number: 
Fax number:   
Mobile number:  
E-mail address: 
Corporate website: 
Local website: 

Accessibility - Ínyenckert étterem

Interactive map - Ínyenckert étterem


Venue type / Location - Ínyenckert étterem


Outdoor venue

Other venues

Dance & leisure venue

Event house

Venue description: - Ínyenckert étterem

We are awaiting our dear guests in our meeting rooms of different size and style rooms and the enchanting garden for the organization of both the ceremony and the dinner as well. We don't charge meeting room rental fee.

Parking places:0 db

Types of events undertaken - Ínyenckert étterem

Private events
Bachelor party - Bachelorette party
Entertainment events

Catering, kitchen description - Ínyenckert étterem

Local catering available

Traditional Hungarian and international

Rooms - Ínyenckert étterem

Room nameFloorspaceBenchesUStandingBanquetA/CDimableLight of dayInternetRental fee
Main hall18012080120110
Meeting room5060486050
Coffee shop4035203530

Technical equipment - Wedding properties - Ínyenckert étterem

Desk microphonesCordless microphonesPublic-address system
VHSPC ProjectorMultimedia projector
Overhead projectorVitascopeFlipchart
Interpreter machineDictaphonePulpit

Conference chairs: 0 db

Desks: 0 db

Programs: - Ínyenckert étterem

Folklor evening, where you can enjoy the gipsy music and our dancer performing the most characteristic dances of the different Hungarian regions.
Cosy jazz, and rock and roll dance evening.

Special offer details - Ínyenckert étterem

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